There is no doubt that earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes and other natural disasters are on the rise in this age. Where doubt and controversy exists, however, is in the determining the cause behind all of this. Environmentalists insist that global warming is the root of the problem, which in turn is said to be caused by greenhouse gases resulting from pollution and over reliance on fossil fuels for our energy and transportation needs. Global warming skeptics, usually conservatives, contend that these trends of nature have nothing to do with greenhouse gases and global warming, but are rather, the result of natural cycles that occur completely independent of the influence of mankind. Some religious fundamentalists, moreover, see the hand of God in all this, punishing mankind for its sins and perhaps leading up to some ultimate Armageddon that would be end of the world as we know it.
So which of these positions is the correct one? I submit that while each has elements of truth, the correct answer is none of the above. The religious are correct in that there is a cause-effect spiritual component to this, but it is certainly not a predestined or necessarily apocalyptic one. The conservatives are correct in suggesting that there are cycles in the earth, but are mistaken in the belief that these cycles are completely independent of our actions. The environmentalists are perhaps closest to the truth in suggesting a link between the actions of mankind and earth changes, but are misguided in their belief that fossil fuel use is the ultimate culprit behind earth’s recent travails.
I believe the real cause is something that everybody has, but few understand its pivotal role in shaping life on earth – and that is our individual and collective state of consciousness. Why is this so? In some ways, both modern and classical physics are instructive here. One of the most profound, but often overlooked, implications of Einstein’s equation of E = mc2 is that there is an equivalency between matter and energy. And since energy cannot be created or destroyed while matter obviously can be, it follows that matter is derived from energy. Matter then is a form of energy, energy that is slowed down, as it were, to a point where it becomes solidified and takes on shape and form. We can say then that ultimately everything is energy – and therefore everything has a frequency, a rate of vibration.
Since everything is made up of energy we are also made of energy. And the most influential, identifying and integral part of this energy – which we might call our energy field or aura – is our state of consciousness. With everything we think, say or do we put energy into motion, we send out energy into the world – into the universe. And whatever we send out reflects our state of consciousness. Therefore, if we are angry, irritated, jealous, hateful, annoyed, fearful, worried, proud, arrogant, complaining, controlling, stubborn, resentful, defensive, self-pitying or any of the negative states that humans are prone, then this is the type of energy that we send out into the world. What’s more, the energy you send out has the stamp of our consciousness on it and if you could measure it, you would find that these types of energy have a low rate of vibration.
Think how often you might find yourself in one or more of these negative states of consciousness – even in just one day. Now multiply that by 365 days a year times the number of years you’ve been on this planet and there’s your individual quotient. For the collective quotient, take that hypothetical number and multiply by 6.5 billion representing the number of people currently on earth. Finally, take that figure and multiply it by the thousands or millions of years humans have been on this planet and you begin to get an idea of how much negative energy has been sent out into the earth, both presently and through all time. How much negative energy? Let’s just say lots and lots.
So what happens to the energy we send out? This is where classical physics comes into play. One of Newton’s laws of motion states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So at a certain level, we can say that for every erg of negative energy that is sent out, an equal and opposite amount gets returned to us. You see, the universe really acts like a mirror. Whatever we send out gets returned to us. As they say, what goes around comes around. But it is not simply a mechanical mirror, as the returning currents have been dare I say, “intelligently designed” to help us learn the lessons of overcoming the state of consciousness that sends out negative energy.
Unfortunately, the return current doesn’t come in neat packages that say “this is a lesson, please process accordingly.” It’s up to us to discern the lessons from whatever is returned to our doorstep. The smaller individual lessons come in the form of all sorts of struggles and challenges that we all face on a daily basis. Each of these events had an earlier cause that we sent in motion that has now come back to challenge the state of consciousness that produced the problem in the first place. The larger collective lessons come back in many forms. They return to us as natural disasters like droughts, floods, earth changes and violent storms or as man made disasters such as poverty, famine, or war. This is what the Hindus call the “law of karma” as it basically states that every effect that you see in your life and on earth has a cause that was set in motion at some earlier point in history.
This law cuts both ways of course. Meaning if we send out harmonious, loving and peace energy, the universe will return that to us as well. The profound implication here is that our consciousness determines what is returned to us, meaning that we are entirely in control of our own destiny on earth. Therefore, the solution to the current turmoil and suffering in the earth does not lie in cutting back or eliminating fossil fuels, it does not lie in waiting for the “natural” cycles of the earth to turn in our favor, nor does it reside in waiting for the final judgment from an angry God in the sky. Notice that these are all solutions which lie outside of ourselves – which is the reason why they are preferred by most people.
Instead of looking for a solution outside of ourselves, which ultimately never works, the real solution is to look within us for therein lays the cause of the problem. The real solution is to raise our level of consciousness to the point where we cease to send out negative energy into the world and instead send out the positive energies which is the spiritual potential of all on this planet. How do we do this? Well, this is a very large subject indeed and many books have been and could be written about it. But the short answer lies within the realization that we can’t solve a problem in the same state of consciousness that created the problem. We need to look beyond and outside of the mental boxes that cause us to perpetually send out negative energy and look at the cause of this condition. We need to understand that there is a higher consciousness available to everyone. The possibility of manifesting this higher consciousness, moreover, comes from our connection to the Infinite which many call God.
This approach does not advocate one religion over another or even a single approach to whatever you might call God. Yet it does recognize two fundamental concepts. First that all of mankind’s problems stem from the sense of separation from the Infinite. This sense of separation has created in each of us a false sense of identity – called the “human ego” by Eckhart Tolle, Kim Michaels and others. It is through the filter of the ego, moreover, that all negative energy is created. This is because the ego is in a constant state of struggle as it sees itself as separate from life and in competition with others. The ego is also in a sense of struggle because it can only know relative truths of the material world. It is essentially dualistic. And because of this, people are perpetually bandied about between one or another of the polarities of relative good and evil which are not defined in any absolute sense but are, rather, only defined in relation to each other. In this process people are constantly sowing negative energy and reaping negative results – until they finally decide that they’ve had enough and begin to look for another way outside of the dualistic boxes.
And so the second concept is that everyone on earth has the potential to spiritualize their consciousness. This is true because we were all created in the image and likeness of the Infinite and cannot actually be separated from it. Thus, if all problems stem from our sense of separation from the Infinite, then all real solutions begin with the idea that we can actually be one with the Infinite. For in the consciousness of the Infinite, there are no divisions, no separation and no competition as the abundance of the Infinite – which is the Father’s good pleasure to give – is available to all. We can achieve this state of mind only when we look at ourselves objectively and “take the beam” of the ego out of our eye – as Jesus suggested. This is not done overnight but can be done by walking a systematic yet entirely creative path of surrender and self transcendence. In the process, we learn to look beyond the mental boxes of separation that we have created to find the non dualistic truths of the Infinite. And when we do so, we send out high frequency energies of love into the universe which effectively neutralizes the low frequency energies of anti-love. And after the negative energies are eventually cleared, there is literally no end to the love, creativity, joy, wisdom, and peace available to us all as we merge our consciousness with that of the Infinite.
So in the end it is not higher taxes that will restore balance to the earth, but higher consciousness. No amount of money and conservation programs will solve the problem of earth changes because they don’t address the root cause of all imbalances in the material world. In fact, they may make matters worse by increasing the sense of lack in the people as well as inviting untoward restrictions of our freedoms by the powerful elite in this world. Rather, in this age I believe it is imperative that mankind awakens to the fact that everything they see in the earth today – both good and bad – is a reflection of the state of consciousness of the people. The sooner we accept this concept that our consciousness is the cause of earth’s problems and raise our consciousness accordingly, the sooner we will see an end to earth’s troubles and in it's place begin to see a new day of planetary harmony and abundance for all.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
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